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Evelyn crushes the foamboard
Steamboat springs
With the Winter and Baggish clans
Wendy shreds the pow
I paint our invitation
Monterey crew comes to Los Osos
Nikki takes to axe throwing while Jan makes himself home in the redwood
A bachelor party to remember...!
Dan, Will & Isaac admire the scene
Owyhee River
Eastern Oregon, middle of nowhere... perfect for this crew
Thanks bros!
Wendy and girls in Carmel
Lovebirds in Big Sur
The future is looking bright!
Pacific-slope flycather on our deck
Day before the big day!
Emmitt, Kendall, Izzy and Savanna
with Mama Susan
and Papa Buz
With Natalie & Cort
With Danimal, Hook and Cuz
Killed my table saw making these... worth it
Flower girls Addy, Isa, Evy, Regina, Savannah, Izze, Kendall & Ada. Matron on Honor Cortney
My best man
Eliza during the ceremony
Aaron marries us on the Big Sur coast
This girl was worth the wait. So happy!
Hey wife! Hey husband!
Let's party!
Royal Jelly Jive throws down the tunes!
Yep, this happened
First night at the Castro Cabin
Pure joy in the Maldives
Wendy shreds the tropical waves
Life on our deserted island
Honeymoon Part II: Singapore
Gardens by the Bay
Honeymoon Part III: New Zealand
What a beautiful country
Honeymoon Part IV: Chicago!
Wendy soaks up the sights... literally
With Mark
Wrigley building
Serious Tower... really serious
Top of the Hancock Tower
To Barrington
Good times in the countryside with Mom
Touring Spraying Systems Co. with Jim
Moose Island
With Dad and Rod
Wendy struts her stuff on the water
Love this place
Back home... after 45 days traveling
Big news!
Wendy's 40th in Hanalei with Nikki & Jan, Paul, Todd & Annie, and Steph & Bill
And little big man Mateo!
Aunt Wendy with Ada
High up on Kauai
Kalalau Valley
Waimea Canyon
With the Kerrs for Christmas