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Forward to 2015



Ringing in the New Year!
Big D's bachelor party
Good times good buds in Anthony Lakes
The big day
Osos crew at China Peak
Sup Jason!
Driving through bumf*ck Oregon... the Wallowas!
Yeah Ben
The Hooks
St. Patrick's Day
Time lapse
Snowapple plays at the house
Tiki head on Cabrillo Peak
With Drew and Joy
With the Hamiltonians at Ali & Steve's wedding
Field research in a remote village on a distant island in Fiji
Total immersion... amazing people and food
Surveying fish biodiversity with stereo video technology
The village prepares for a big harvest
Everyone comes out for the fish drive
Over a thousand fish are corralled into the net
The bounty is divided evenly among all households
Making kava...
...drinking kava
Never seen my nickname on an airplane ticket!
Nor a car with a shifter on the tree...
...and escape hatch!
Blue trevally
Nurse sharks
With Aussie Josh
Workshop and World Cup in Hawaii
Then to the Rogue River!
Yeah Rocco
Red-breasted merganzers
Oagie goes gangster
Quality beverage
The biggest fish I caught on the trip
Who are these people??
Mom on the central coast!
Climbing with Drewster
Paddling Avila Bay with Scott and crew
DP with Colby and Hook
Me on a giant close-out at Sand Dollar Beach
Home sweet home
Kerr family visit!
Exploring Morro Bay
Costume drawer...
To a conference in Glasgow, Scotland!
Paul and Morgan assess the local cuisine
The Fringe Festival in Edinburgh
Sippin' scotch with Viv
The Red Hot Chili Peppers - ha!
Hiking the highlands with Mom!
Red elk
Crow goes native
Thanksgiving in Joshua Tree
Back in Hawaii for a workshop
Koko Head at dawn
Price comes to Osos
Dan keeps it real
It's good to be a gangster
Jamie and I survey the giant swell
Crowbird and Danimal roll over the hill. Man, that was a good party!
Gettin' old boyz!
See you next year - yuk yuk!